The Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM) is the civil society constituent of UHC2030 (formerly the International Health Partnership, IHP+), the global movement to build stronger health systems for universal health coverage (UHC). The CSEM raises civil society voices in UHC2030 to ensure that UHC policies are inclusive and equitable, and that systematic attention is given to the most marginalized and vulnerable populations so that no one is left behind. Learn more
Latest CSEM News
UHC Day Event! Civil Society Speaks on Universal Health Coverage
Register Zoom with captioning and simultaneous translation in French, Spanish, and International Sign Language The Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM)...
News from the Global Movement to Achieve Universal Health Coverage
The latest update from UHC2030 is now available here. The issue highlights updates, recent publications, and upcoming events from across UHC2030's constituencies. For...
Get Ready! UHC Day on 12 December 2021
The countdown to UHC Day 2021 has begun! On 12 December, get ready to join us in calling for investments in resilient and equitable health systems that leave no one...
LAUNCHED: Health for All Advocacy Toolkit
The CSEM's Health for All Advocacy Toolkit is now live! It is available as a dynamic web-based tool and as downloadable PDFs in English, French, and Spanish. Explore the...
Explore the New Health for All Advocacy Toolkit
The CSEM is thrilled to share the Health for All Advocacy Toolkit (beta version), a new, interactive tool for civil society advocates...
Highlights from Recent Events
Throughout the early months of this year, the CSEM and its civil society partners have been advocating for health equity and progress in all dimensions of universal...