This year, the 2023 UN High-level meeting on universal health coverage (UHC) provides countries and all stakeholders an opportunity to reinvigorate progress towards delivering health for all.
Civil society engagement at the Multistakeholder Hearing on UHC
On May 9, 2023, the President of the General Assembly (PGA) held an interactive multistakeholder hearing in preparation of the High-Level Meeting on UHC. The hearing was attended by Member States, as well as representatives from civil society, non-governmental organizations, academia and the private sector, among other stakeholders.
CSEM Advisory Group members –Dumi Gatsha, Founder Success Capital Organization) and Nupur Lalvani, Founder Director Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation – spoke in two interactive panel discussions during the hearing. The first panel discussion moderated by Dr. Githinji Gitahi, CEO of Amref Health Africa focused on how UHC can be a driver to accelerate health for all. The second panel discussion moderated by Ms. Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, President and Executive Director of Global Health Council centered on how to turn UHC commitments into action and hold leaders accountable. A summary by the President of the General Assembly of the Multistakeholder Hearing on UHC can be accessed here. You can also read our interventions by Dumi and Nupur here.
Civil society feedback on the Zero Draft of the Political Declaration on UHC
On 24 May, 2023 the Office of the President of the General Assembly (PGA) presented the zero draft of the Political Declaration on UHC. Following the release of the zero draft, the CSEM launched a survey to collect feedback from civil society to identify priorities for strengthening the zero draft, and ultimately, the Political Declaration itself. We received over 100 responses from 34 countries across 6 continents. While these priorities cannot be generalised as representative of the views of all civil society organisations, they highlight important areas of the zero draft that need further strengthening and consideration.
Read the 3 pages summary here.

UHC high-level meeting updates: civil society webinar
Civil society and communities are invited to join a webinar on 27 July to learn about the latest information on the preparations for the HLM. We will share updates on the ongoing negotiations on the UHC political declaration, as well as information on registration, HLM program, side events, and more.
Register below to be sure not to miss it.
We look forward to seeing you soon online!

Next Steps
Now is the time to call on your governments and all stakeholders to make actionable commitments on universal health coverage and be present at the UHC HLM.
You can use the Civil Society Feedback on the Zero draft, the Action Agenda from the UHC Movement, advocacy letter templates, and other resources available in multiple languages here,
You can also find below advocacy materials shared by our partners to be use toward the High-level meetings.
HLM resources from civil society partners
- Asia-Pacific Communities Statement of Positions on the 3 HLMs – APCASO
- A call to Prioritise Digital Health – An Important Accelerator of UHC Progress – Transform Health
- CSO briefings on disability, rehabilitation and assistive technology in UHC – IDDC
- HelpAge’s briefings for the HLMs on Universal Health Coverage and on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response – HelpAge International
- Multi Stakeholder Hearings Universal Health Coverage & Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery – Women in Global Health
- No Universal Health Coverage without Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology – Humanity & Inclusion
- Key Asks on Integrating Mental Health into UHC – Global Mental Health Action Network
- NCD Alliance Messages on the Zero Draft Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage 2023 – NCD Alliance
If you wish to add any HLM resources from your oagnization, please send a mail to laura@wacihealth.org
UHC2030 and CSEM resources
- The UHC Action Agenda here
- Advocacy Letter template here
- Social Media Toolkit here
- Civil society feedback on the zero draft here
- More Information on the UN HLM on UHC 2023
- UHC2030 Co-chair Statement on the Zero Draft of the Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage