The International Health Partnership for UHC2030 (UHC2030) Steering Committee met in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 19-20, 2019. The session met to discuss strategies and actions to ensure that UHC2030 is well-equipped to mobilize countries and the international community in support of a coherent UHC agenda.
Discussions during the two-day meeting centered on leveraging the full potential of the upcoming UN HLM on UHC, scaling up advocacy efforts on social accountability and monitoring, and how UHC2030 can best position itself for a mutually beneficial relationship with its members. The session strategized on the action UHC2030 will take before and after the UN HLM to ensure that member states fulfill their commitments. The steering committee also discussed the way forward regarding private sector engagement for UHC and ensuring alignment of multi-stakeholder action with national priorities towards UHC.
The CSEM representatives to the UHC2030 Steering Committee Santosh Kumar Giri, Rosemary Mburu, and Simon Wright and CSEM Secretariat representative Amy Boldosser-Boesch participated in the two-day meeting. These civil society steering committee representatives presented the CSEM’s Why 5%of GDP brief advocating for the uptake of the target of 5% of GDP as government health financing. They also presented updates on civil society engagement on the HLM on UHC at the country level and advocated for greater attention to and support for country-level engagement in the post-HLM period.
See a summary of the key decision points and next steps as well as presentations made during the meeting here. A detailed report on the meeting is forthcoming from UHC2030.