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WATCH: Leaders, we need health policies that include everyone. A short video campaign initiated by CSEM Advisory Group member and MSSI Chennai Chapter member Smitha Sadasivan.

MSSI, Chennai: Adapting Programmes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Pictured: Virtual event for World MS Day

Multiple Sclerosis Society of India (MSSI) Chennai is a non-profit society working for the welfare of persons with multiple sclerosis (MS) in and around the state of Tamil Nadu in India. Multiple Sclerosis is an auto immune disorder (NCD) of the central nervous system causing neurological deficits with motor and sensory functions, bowel bladder movements, balance and energy levels.

MSSI Chennai chapter supports persons with MS for their medicines, treatment protocols, counselling, rehabilitation, assistive aids, socialisation and information dissemination on wellbeing as well as conducts advocacy for government policies and programs. We also support family members based on their needs.

During COVID pandemic, MSSI Chennai chapter had regular interactions with our members with MS, did a need analysis and catered to diverse needs at their door steps. Some needed rations, some needed food on a day-to-day basis, while others required medicines and supplies like diapers and masks. We also conducted online sessions with neurologists and other wellness experts for our members. The need for infusions for members with MS was also facilitated in their neighborhoods.

Apart from this need based service delivery during the pandemic, we also followed up closely with the government departments regarding disability ID cards, assessment camps, financial aids, and rations for persons with MS.

To learn more: (National Secretariat)

Contact: Ann Gonsalvez, Chair Person, MSSI, Chennai Chapter


In the lead-up to UHC Day 2020 (“Health for All: Protect Everyone”), we are highlighting how CSEM member organizations are contributing to ensure the COVID-19 response protects everyone and keeping momentum going for universal health coverage amid the crisis. See more.

Join us for the virtual UHC Day rally on 12 December 2020 — share your commitment to UHC and call on decision-makers to protect everyone!