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Operation Hope is a community based network of women and girls living with and affected by HIV. The organization has been instrumental in providing the members with opportunities to access health and social services either directly or through referral services.

During COVID-19, Operation Hope modified its approach to respond to the emerging needs brought about by the changed context. Operation Hope has focused efforts on:

  1. ACCESS TO DRUGS AND OTHER COMMODITIES: Previously, members needed to travel to the facilities to collect their drugs. With the advent of COVID-19, our members are not comfortable visiting the facilities, especially due to fears of increased COVID-19 exposure. We have been supporting drug delivery. Access to sanitary towels is another issue that has proved to be difficult due to the economic burden of COVID-19 on households. We have been as well providing them with soap, sanitizers, face masks and tissue papers to help in observing hygiene.
  2. ACCESS TO FOOD RATIO AND HYGIENE PRODUCTS: COVID-19 has reduced levels of access to finances and caused job loss, which in turn has contributed to food insecurity at the household level. On this front, Operation Hope has been sharing food rations with 50 families and two children’s homes to address this issue.

For more information, contact the author at:

In the lead-up to UHC Day 2020 (“Health for All: Protect Everyone”), we are highlighting how CSEM member organizations are contributing to ensure the COVID-19 response protects everyone and keeping momentum going for universal health coverage amid the crisis. See more.

Join us for the virtual UHC Day rally on 12 December 2020 — share your commitment to UHC and call on decision-makers to protect everyone!