UHC2030 with the CSEM and other partners is publishing the State of the UHC Commitment Report in December 2020. The report provides a consolidated multi-stakeholder view on the progress made towards universal health coverage (UHC) at country and global levels. It will include country profiles and a global synthesis report, which focuses this year on UHC in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Along with hard data, UHC2030 conducted an online survey to gather the stories and real perceptions of UHC from country-level stakeholders, including civil society. The survey called for observations and evidence that tell the real story of health care in countries as experienced.
As a follow up to this 2020 UHC Survey, CSEM, IFRC and UNAIDS with partners are co-hosting country
Summaries from consultations in Viet Nam and Kazakhstan will be added to this page.