#UHC4me Global Video Campaign

Images Courtesy of Photoshare and MSH
The CSEM is proud to launch the #UHC4me Global Video Campaign. The campaign aims to create widespread awareness of the right to health and mobilize people, communities and civil society to get involved in lobbying and advocating with their governments to ensure Universal Health Coverage, leaving no one behind. Ahead of the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and beyond, the CSEM calls on everybody, everywhere to join the campaign and help us spread the message in as many world languages as possible!
What We Need
People all over the world are disproportionately affected by lack of access to healthcare, with the poor, vulnerable and marginalized being the most burdened. Please help us reach these and more people by uploading a video UHC message in your local language as part of the #UHC4me Global Video Campaign.
What You Will Need
- A smart phone
- Internet connection
What You Need to Do
- Record the message, in your local language, in no more than 30 seconds. We have provided a suggested message below. You may also want to have a look at these sample videos.
- Make sure that your voice is audible.
- Upload the video here.
Suggested Message (feel free to adapt but stay within 30 seconds of recording):
- Now is the time to join the quest for Health For All!
- Every person, everywhere, no matter who they are or where they live, has the right to good quality healthcare, without suffering financially.
- Governments have the duty to fulfill the right to health, not for some, but for all, putting first those who have been left farthest behind.
- People everywhere must come together and engage with governments to increase financing for health, and advocate for engagement of civil society and all people to improve transparency and accountability at all levels, so that countries can achieve Universal Health Coverage.
You may want to answer the question “What Universal Health Coverage means for me” in no longer than 30 seconds. For example a young mother with a baby in front of a health center may say, “Universal Health Coverage for me means my baby is vaccinated in time without me having to pay for it at the clinic!”
Once you upload your video, you will be featured on our YouTube channel, CSEM website and Twitter feed within 72 hours! Watch sample videos here. Please NOTE: What is important is clarity of audio, so your voice can be heard! Follow the campaign using the hashtag #UHC4me. Other important hashtags are #UHC2030 #LeaveNoOneBehind #HealthForAll.
Please review this Checklist before submitting your video.