The 12th National Health Assembly (NHA12) was held on December 18-20, 2019, in Bangkok, Thailand. The Thai National Health Assembly (NHA), known as “the triangle that moves mountains,” brings together three critical sectors of the society: government/politicians, people, and knowledge/academia to dialogue, debate, and build consensuses over issues that are essential to the health of the nation. NHA presents an opportunity for members to propose and discuss resolutions to the National Health Commission, as well as to share experiences and hear reports about the implementation of passed resolutions.
CSEM Advisory Group member Khuat Thi Hai Oanh was a keynote speaker at the NHA12, which focused on specific issues such as asbestos, gender equality, cancer, and rational drug use with an emphasis on a community-centered approach. In her keynote address, Dr. Oanh highlighted the importance of health as a human development and security priority. She demonstrated the benefits of community engagement in public health issues, encouraging the audience to take the leadership role at the regional and global levels to ensure that no one is left behind.
In a compelling anecdote on the importance of Health For All, she said,“ The agenda I consider “personal” to me in this role is “Leave no one behind.” I led the effort of CSEM to prepare the Commentary to the Global Monitoring Report on UHC and presented it at the launch of the Global Monitoring Report on UHC…, I invite you to read it as an example of how we fight for Health for All at a global level.”
Dr. Oanh also took the opportunity to express appreciation to Thailand on their leadership in the buildup to the United Nations High-Level Meeting on UHC and their role in the formulation of the political declaration. She also acknowledged Thai NHA as a great model of engagement in health. To access Dr. Oanh’s inspirational speech, click here.