With the bank poised to replenish funds to back expansion of healthcare among the world’s poorest people, it needs to measure what matters – and what matters is that billions are being forced into poverty and hardship by the costs of care. Anna Marriott, Rosemary...
Public consultation on a draft model law (7-30th April) To fully harness the potential of health data for public benefit and improved health outcomes, while also managing risks, protecting individual rights, and ensuring people’s data is protected from...
It’s World Health Day today. 2024’s theme is “My health, my right”. Every year, we use this day to draw people’s attention to urgent health challenges in the world, and remind world leaders to step up and ensure every child and person worldwide can realise their right...
This section is dedicated to articles/ blogs/ testimonials from CSEM members who share their successful experiences of electoral advocacy, good practice, actions and events held to put universal public health at the top of the national political agenda. To be...
Today, the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM) with Equal International published ‘The health and economic impacts of Covid-19 containment strategies on the most left behind: Recommendations for how we can build back better, strong and more resilient...
Civil society activists, the United Nations, and development organizations, who understood and saw the need for countries to commit in the achievement of universal health coverage (UHC), have engaged in longstanding advocacy for UHC. On September 23, 2019, during the...
The sub-regional workshop ‘Building Informal Worker Organization through Universal Health Coverage’ took place on September 26th to 28th, 2018, in Luang Prabang, Laos. The workshop was convened by HomeNet South-East Asia (HNSEA) which is the regional network of...
12 Stories on 12.12 Blog Series Palliative Care is a Fundamental Right yet we are leaving MILLIONS behind Beverley Sebastian, Executive Director, Island Hospice and Healthcare Despite National Health Insurance Scheme, Ghana Can Do Better Vicky Okine, Executive...
Astana Blog Series Beyond Health Insurance: What Does Extending UHC To Informal Workers Really Mean? Author: Laura Alfers, Director, Social Protection Programme, Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) Health system strengthening:...
UHC Financing Forum Blog Series #2 UHC Financing Forum Blog Series #2 4/23/2018 Financing a Healthier Future for All 4/20/2018 Domestic Resource Mobilization: Connecting the Priorities of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Universal Health Coverage...