Universal health coverage (UHC) aims to ensure that all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship. The outcome of elections can determine whether a government prioritizes and invests in building a robust health system that protects the right to health of the country’s people and communities.

By consistently engaging in the electoral process, UHC advocates can influence the selection of policymakers who are committed to prioritizing the fundamental right to health. Sustained engagement also fosters a culture where healthcare is a recurring and prioritized electoral issue.

This tool provides guidance for UHC advocates wishing to influence the elections taking place in their countries. 

With elections taking place in over 70 countries in 2024, this is a pivotal moment to ensure your future leaders keep health high on their political agendas and understand the importance of taking urgent and meaningful action towards health for all. 

But the work doesn’t stop once the elections are over. Staying involved after national elections and actively participating in mid-term and local elections are crucial if we wish to create lasting change. Major elections may shape the overarching political landscape, but mid-term and local elections directly impact the composition of legislatures and decision-making bodies at levels closer to the community. 


Click here to request to add your organization to the list of country contacts.



As we think about next steps to support you, we welcome your views on how to stay in touch and continue to build on the Election advocacy guide: Getting UHC on the ballot. Please complete this quick survey. We look forward to hearing from you!


To learn more about the Election Advocacy Guide, you can watch the recording of our online session “Getting UHC on the ballot! How to influence elections in your country to keep health high on political agendas” held on March 14, 2024.



During this 2nd webinar on elections, we learnt more to foster peer-to-peer learning on experiences in countries in advocating for health during elections. Click below to have access to more information, including the presntation, recording and follow-up survey. 


Read articles/ blogs/ testimonials from CSEM members who share their successful experiences of electoral advocacy, good practice, actions and events held to put universal public health at the top of the national political agenda. To be considered for publication on this page, please send your contribution to laura@wacihealth.org