Leave No One Behind

Increase Public Financing for Health

Improve Involvement of CSOs and Citizens at All Levels

Invest in Health Workers

The Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM) is the civil society constituent of UHC2030 (formerly the International Health Partnership, IHP+), the global movement to build stronger health systems for universal health coverage (UHC). The CSEM raises civil society voices in UHC2030 to ensure that UHC policies are inclusive and equitable, and that systematic attention is given to the most marginalized and vulnerable populations so that no one is left behind.  Learn more


Social Participation

Social participation relates to the empowerment of people, communities, and civil society to participate in - and thereby influence - decision-making processes for health. It is the cornerstone of equitable, inclusive, transparent, and...

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UHC2030 CSEM Networking Space at WHA77

Thank you for your participation in the Civil Society Networking Space during the 77th World Health Assembly! UHC2030 and the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) were delighted to see many of you at the networking space to meet,...

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UN HLM on UHC 2023

The 2023 United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) on universal health coverage (UHC) provides countries and all stakeholders an opportunity to reinvigorate progress towards delivering health for all.  An action-oriented outcome...

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Latest CSEM News

Is Global Health on the ballot?

It’s World Health Day today. 2024’s theme is “My health, my right”. Every year, we use this day to draw people’s attention to urgent health challenges in the world, and...

Social Participation

Social participation relates to the empowerment of people, communities, and civil society to participate in - and thereby influence - decision-making processes for...