What is the state of commitment to universal health coverage around the world?

UHC2030 launched the first ever synthesis of the state of commitment to universal health coverage (UHC), as well as complete country profiles illustrating progress toward Health for All for all 193 UN member states.

The review is based on diverse stakeholder perspectives that reflect current country situations and asks a simple question: are governments taking action towards meeting their UHC commitments? 

Findings show in many counties, poor and vulnerable groups, are once again being left behind, and inequities are widening due to the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic is also exposing and exacerbating weaknesses in health systems.

This must change.


See the report and associated materials:

Also see, from the Co-chairs of the UHC2030 Steering Committee and members of the UHC Movement Political Advisory panel:

«We call on all leaders and other stakeholders across society to take urgent action for health systems that protect everyone ? now”.