Глобальные события в области здравоохранения и моменты пропаганды всеобщего охвата услугами здравоохранения


Этот календарь включает в себя дни осведомленности, глобальные и региональные конференции и другие мероприятия, имеющие отношение к пропаганде всеобщего охвата услугами здравоохранения. Если вы хотите добавить событие в наш календарь, пожалуйста, заполните это Краткая форма.


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G20 Health Ministers Meeting (5-6 Sept)

???????? 5, 2021 - ???????? 6, 2021

The Italian Civil 20 Organizing Committee is glad to announce that the C20 Kick-Off Meeting for civil society?s engagement during the Italian Presidency of the Group of 20 will be held virtually on January 25-27, 2021. The meeting is open to all civil society organizations and social movements which are interested in the process.

The meeting aims to facilitate the collectively definition of top-line objectives for the C20 agenda for 2021 as well as specific advocacy strategies, tactics and coordination mechanisms. It will also initiate a process of vibrant institutional dialogue with the G20, not limited to the Host Country, with a mix of plenary and thematic sessions on selected workstreams.

The three-day virtual meeting will be organized in the 13:30-17:00 CET (Rome-time) bracket. The first day will focus on the Civil 20 objectives and advocacy framework, the second one on the institutional dialogue with the G20, and the third one on the C20 workplan, including key milestones, working group arrangements and coordination modalities. However, this outline agenda might be subject to minor adjustments to accommodate the schedule of G20 representatives and institutions.

Information:   c20@civil-20.org   |    www.civil-20.org


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