Глобальные события в области здравоохранения и моменты пропаганды всеобщего охвата услугами здравоохранения


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Symposium on Health Systems Research

The Global Symposium on Health Systems Research is organized every two years by Health Systems Global to bring together the full range of players involved in health systems and policy research and practice. The Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018) will take place at the ACC in Liverpool, UK from 8 to 12 October, 2018, bringing […]

World Health Summit

Since it was launched in 2009, the World Health Summit has brought together stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in the healthcare spectrum, providing the perfect forum for exchange with experts from academia, industry, politics and civil society. (Vision and Goals) Attracting up to 2,000 participants and a wide range of stakeholder groups from all over the […]

Глобальная конференция по первичной медико-санитарной помощи

On 25-26 October 2018, the world will come together in Astana, Kazakhstan at the Global Conference on Primary Health Care to renew a commitment to primary health care to achieve universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals. In 1978, a pivotal conference was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, bringing together health experts and world leaders […]

International Conference on Family Planning

Kigali Conference Center Kigali Roundabout, Kimihurura, Kigali, Rwanda

The 2018 International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) is co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, based at the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Republic of Rwanda?s Ministry of Health. The 2018 ICFP is made possible with support from the ICFP […]

PMNCH Partners’ Forum

PMNCH will bring together 1,200 partners dedicated to the Every Woman Every Child (EWEC) movement and to the achievement of the UN Secretary General?s Global Strategy for Women?s, Children?s and Adolescents? Health (Global Strategy) on 12 and 13 December 2018 in New Delhi, India. Many more partners will participate online.

Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (1-4 Mar)

Seventh Session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development The aim of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development is to advance integrated implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063, which are mutually reinforcing. To that end, the Regional Forum provides a multi-stakeholder platform for follow-up and review of progress and challenges in […]