Глобальные события в области здравоохранения и моменты пропаганды всеобщего охвата услугами здравоохранения


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African Health Agenda International Conference (8-10 Mar)

AHAIC 2021 is an African-led biennial global health convening hosted by Amref Health Africa, a leading health development organisation in Africa founded in 1957. This year, the virtual conference is co-convened by Africa CDC, Roche, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson  and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA). This year's theme is, "Decade […]

Civil Society Policy Forum at the World Bank/IMF (22 Mar-11 Apr)

The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) has become an integral part of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group Spring and Annual Meetings, providing an open space for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to dialogue and exchange views with World Bank Group and IMF staff, their peers, government delegations, and other stakeholders on a wide range of […]

World Bank Spring Meetings (5-11 Apr)

The 2021 Spring Meetings will take place virtually from Monday, April 5, through Sunday, April 11, 2021. To accommodate for the time differences between countries, some events will also take place outside the principal week of the Spring Meetings. At the heart of the Spring Meetings are meetings of the joint World Bank Group/IMF Development Committee […]

C7 Summit (19-20 Apr)

In June 2021, the leaders of the UK, Germany, Japan, USA, Canada, France and Italy will meet in Cornwall, UK for the G7 Leaders? Summit. Throughout the year, the UK will also host a series of ministerial and official meetings, and coordinate joint statements on shared global challenges. Bond is the lead of the C7 […]

Global Youth Meet on Health (20-21 Apr)

The 4th Global Youth Meet on Health (GYM) is organized by HRIDAY and the World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office with a wide range of technical partners. The virtual event will be held 20-21 April 2021 with the theme, "Meaningful youth engagement for leading action on Universal Health Coverage and Sustainable Development Goals." GYM […]

Глобальный саммит здравоохранения: консультации с гражданским обществом

The European Commission and Italian G20 Presidency will host a Global Health Summit in Rome on 21 May 2021. The event is an opportunity for leaders to share lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and develop and endorse a ?Rome Declaration? of Principles. To support the development of these principles, a civil society consultation will be held […]